Which properties are factored by West Dunbartonshire Council
When you buy a property from West Dunbartonshire Council within a tenement, a four-in-a-block, maisonette or high flat you also buy a share of the maintenance, repair and upkeep towards the common areas of the building. These common areas can include the roof, outside walls, common entrances, lifts, stairs and any common paths and/or drying areas.
Your title deed will set out the common areas of the building, paths and drying areas for which you have a shared responsibility, what share of the maintenance you pay, how decisions should be reached with regard to maintenance and repair and the appointment of a factor.
Service we provide for your factoring fee
- We carry out inspections on your property at the request of you or any neighbour having a problem or concern. You can report repairs (non-emergency and emergency) on the maintenance and repairs section.
- We decide what repairs are necessary to the common structure.
- We will advise you in writing of the proposed repair, your share of the estimated costs, exceptions to this process are urgent or emergency repairs where delay could cause further damage.
- We will advise you of your final share of costs after completion of the repair, however, if there is a substantial change due to undiscovered work as the job proceeds, we will always endeavour to advise you as the job progresses of any change in value. These usually occur on larger jobs that were difficult to fully inspect.
- We will liaise with contractors and other owners involved in the repair.
- We will inspect the works on completion before issuing an invoice.
- We will pay for the common works, divide the cost accurately and invoice you for your share of the costs.
You can contact the Sold Property Sections with any questions.
Non emergency repairs or enquiries
Repairs reporting form
0800 073 8708
Opening Times
- Monday to Thursday: 8.30am to 4.30pm
- Friday: 8.30am to 4pm
Additional information:
In relation to our Written Statement of Services provided under the Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011 please note the following change effective from1st December 2016. The duties of the Home Owner Housing Panel have now transferred into the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Housing and Property Chamber (FTT).
The new address where applications previously sent to the Home Owner Housing Panel should now be directed to is as follows:
First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Housing and Property Chamber
Glasgow Tribunals Centre
20 York Street
G2 8GT
Telephone 0141-302-5900
Fax: 0141-302-5901
Email: HPCadmin@scotcourtstribunals.gov.uk